Sunday, September 6, 2009

Last Show With OAR

Last night we played the last show of the OAR tour in Toronto. There were some really rude drunk OAR fans in the audience that booed us and were chanting "OAR". Outside after the concert some humongous drunken gorilla type fellow in a hat came up to me ad said "hey Harry Potter, lose the haircut". The rest of the tour was fun. That was the first show on the tour that we ran into any kind of rudeness from the audience.
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Morningstar4us said...

Brett, I'm so sorry to hear this. They obviously don't know talent when they see it

Unknown said...

I was there last night and thought you had a great set!

Ashley Rose said...

true morons. i would have dropped them if i was there.... or tried my womanly best. ha. :) and harry potter is sexy... so they know nothing.

Unknown said...

Hey Brett,

I was at the concert and you were awesome! I was actually right in front of the guys chanting OAR and we made a point to try and compensate. This show definitely revived my interest in your music, great stuff. Just know that you were appreciated!

amanda said...

Crummy of those Canadians! I just returned from our cabin up in northern Ontario, and our Canadian customs guy was a suspiciously creepy, wierdo too. We still love it up there, but lucky for us, we're only surrounded by water, rocks and trees, no rude drunken crowds for hundreds of miles. And the locals in those remote areas are nice, nice people.
Anyhow, ignorance exists, but glad you enjoyed the tour, and bummed to have missed you when you came to MN!
I've said it before, and will say it again. I just love you. Keep up the goodness.
And for the record, I love Harry Potter too. :)

cowdogsmom said...

Hey....forget those guys... I came to Boston just to see you and left before OAR even came on..... maybe that will make up for the tools you had to encounter.

Unknown said...

I was at the show as well. Those drunk guys were rude! Not only is it insulting to you guys but to OAR too. The show was awesome. Good luck in the future.

betty said...

Brett, you were awesome in Atlanta when you opened for OAR! I would have chastised anyone around me booing you! That is so rude! You are so amazing! Coming to see you at the Tabernacle! Can't wait.

betty said...

Brett, you were awesome in Atlanta when you opened for OAR! I would have chastised anyone around me booing you! That is so rude! You are so amazing! Coming to see you at the Tabernacle! Can't wait.

betty said...

Brett, you were awesome in Atlanta when you opened for OAR! I would have chastised anyone around me booing you! That is so rude! You are so amazing! Coming to see you at the Tabernacle! Can't wait.

m said...

hey brett, screw those canadian losers are truly a great american songwriter with a spledid message. theyre just pissed because they are America, Jr.